You take a large bite out of your favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream and pull back with a wince when a sharp pain shoots through one of your teeth. The cause of the pain could be because you have sensitive teeth or it might be something more serious.
There are many conditions that can make your teeth hurt such as bruxism, gum disease, abscess, or tooth decay. Each problem will need a unique solution in order to fix it.
To help you get a little relief from the pain, check out this list of common causes of tooth pain and treatments.
1. Gum DiseaseÂ
Gum disease is caused when your gums become infected. One of the biggest signs that you have gingivitis is red, burning gums. If the issue goes untreated, it will turn into periodontitis overtime.
When this happens, you could begin to experience bone loss and gum deterioration. Your gums will detach themselves from your teeth and fill up with even more bacteria. Your teeth will then be exposed to the bacteria and begin to decay.
During the process, your teeth will become more sensitive to cold foods, chewing, and touch. The best treatment to get gum disease under control is to go see your dentist for professional cleaning.
From there it’s up to you to continue your normal oral hygiene routine. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. It’ll stop the bacteria from setting in.
2. Tooth DecayÂ
Tooth decay can better be categorized as a cavity. Whenever you allow plaque to sit on your teeth it begins to consume the starches and sugars that you consumed throughout the day.
As it breaks down these substances, it causes acid to form which eats away at the enamel of your teeth. It’s hard to notice when the cavities form because they don’t hurt that much.
That is until the decay spreads past a certain point. Eventually, the site of the cavity will become sensitive to touch and cold. Your dentist can repair the holes caused by tooth decay.
First, they’ll give you a tooth cleaning in order to clear out all the problem plaque. After that, the holes can be patched up with filling. As long as you stick to your oral hygiene routine and take the antibiotics you’re given to clear up any infection, you should be fine.
3. Sensitive TeethÂ
As you can tell, a lot of other tooth conditions can result in sensitive teeth but the basic cause is exposed dentin. If you’re unfamiliar with what dentin is, it’s the tissue that rests under your tooth enamel.
When dentin is exposed, your teeth will become vulnerable to cold foods and air. This condition will never really go away but there are ways you can manage it.
Switch up to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Your dentist can assist you in choosing the right one for you. Trade-in your toothbrush for one with softer bristles.
Stay away from foods that are high in acid. Gargle with a fluoridated mouthwash at least once a day. Pick up a mouth guard so you can avoid grinding your teeth in your sleep.
There are a few last resort dental procedures that can help with the condition too. Your dentist may suggest bonding, crowns, or a surgical gum graft. A root canal can do the trick too but it will only be necessary for extreme circumstances.
4. BruxismÂ
If you wake up with tooth pain or a headache, there’s a good possibility that you’ve been grinding your teeth in your sleep. You may also clench your teeth without even noticing it when you’re worried or stressed.
If left untreated, teeth grinding can result in sensitive teeth and other varying degrees of face pain. It can cause you to chip your tooth and even lead to cavities as well. The easiest way to stop yourself from grinding your teeth is to wear a mouth guard at night.
If your bruxism is stress-induced, going to go see a counselor or doing a few stress-relief exercises may help as well.
5. Inflammation of the Tooth Pulp
When decay seats itself deep into the pulp of your tooth, the blood vessels and nerves found there become inflamed and irritated. This will cause pressure which can lead to tooth trauma and sensitivity.
There are two types of this disease. Reversible pulpitis and irreversible pulpitis. Which one you have will be the determining factor in what your treatment is.
If you have reversible pulpitis your condition should go away after your dentist has gotten rid of the source of the inflammation. If you have irreversible pulpitis you’ll have to go to a specialist to have the pulp removed in the problem tooth. Once the pulp has been removed, your tooth will be disinfected, filled, and sealed up.
In some cases, there’s no saving the tooth with this procedure. If that’s the case, the only thing that can be done is full-on tooth extraction.
6. Abscess Â
The pulp inside your tooth can die. When that happens, the dead tissue creates a pocket of pus. This pus is better known as an abscess. To treat this issue, your dentist will give you antibiotics to clear up the infection.
They’ll also need to drain the abscess and clean out the area. Your gums will have to be cleaned if the problem was caused by gum disease.
If the abscess occurred because of a cracked tooth, you’ll need a root canal. In some cases, the whole tooth will need to be replaced.
Getting Relief When Your Teeth HurtÂ
As you can see, when your teeth hurt the cause can be linked back to a variety of different conditions. With a little help from your dentist and a normal oral hygiene schedule, you should be able to take control of the pain. Don’t suffer for another day.
Has your tooth pain gotten out of control? We can help. Go here to book an appointment with us today.