After months of waiting and preparation, you’ve finally gotten your dental implants. Now comes the most important part; making sure you can keep them. Your bone is still healing, and your gums are still sensitive, so how you conduct yourself for the next few days will determine how quickly the posts will set. If you’re in this position now, here are five things you should avoid right after dental implant surgery.
Using Tobacco Products
Smoking is bad enough for your mouth and lungs under normal circumstances, but after your procedure, you’re particularly vulnerable to its negative effects. Tobacco delays recovery by impeding the jaw’s healing process. Dragging on a cigarette also creates suction in the mouth, which can damage your emerging blood clot. On a related note, you should also avoid:
Drinking With a Straw
The pressure you create when you sip through a straw can also pull your blood clot out of your gums. This leads to a painful condition called “dry socket,” which is not only uncomfortable but also impedes the development of important gum tissue around your implant. For that reason, you should avoid not only drinking with a straw but anything else that may cause your blood clot to become dislodged (like spitting).
Cleaning Aggressively
It’s important to make sure that your implants are disinfected but do it gently. Swishing mouthwash around vigorously can aggravate your gums, so you should be careful when you’re cleaning. Simply allow the mouthwash to roll over your implants and, instead of spitting, let it fall out of your mouth and into the sink when you’re finished.
Exercising Vigorously
It may be localized in your mouth, but you’ve just undergone major surgery. You should take it easy while you recover. Intense workouts spike the blood flow in your body, which can lead to bleeding around your new implant.
Eating Harsh Foods
Naturally, you’re going to have to be careful what you eat after your surgery. Anything that would be difficult to chew or could irritate your gums can cause problems with healing. That means foods that are hot, sticky, or hard should be avoided.
If you’ve successfully had your dental implants placed, you should be able to handle the healing process just fine. In the end, you’ll have something great to show for it: the perfect smile you’ve been waiting for.
About the Author
Dr. Roman Kotlarek is a well-established restorative dentist with a reputation for results among his peers. He obtained his Doctor of Dental Surgery from The University of Texas Health and Science Center in San Antonio and is a proud member of the American Society of Dental Aesthetics. He strives to make every patient as comfortable as possible while he builds them a beautiful, natural-looking smile. If you have any questions about dental implants, Dr. Kotlarek can be reached on his website or by phone at (281) 920-4200.