Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Houston, TX

Two dental professionals in Houston treating a patient

Preserving Your Oral Health

Wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars, are the last teeth to grow into your mouth, way in the back, behind all of your existing molars. At one point in time, these teeth would help our ancestors gnaw through tough meats and fibrous, raw vegetables and food that came from nature. Today, they’re not so handy. In fact, the jaw bone has adapted by not being as large as it once was, which is why so many people need to have these teeth removed in order to prevent oral health problems from arising down the road. If you’re unsure of whether your wisdom teeth should be removed, schedule a consultation with Dr. Roman today to discuss wisdom tooth extractions at our Houston, TX dental office!

Why Choose Roman Dental for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

  • We Accept Dental Insurance
  • In-House Wisdom Tooth Extractions
  • Sedation Dentistry Available

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Young woman smiling outdoors

Wisdom teeth are your last set of teeth to grow into your mouth, and they emerge between the ages of 16 and 25. You can be born with no wisdom teeth, or one, two, three, or all four—it all depends on your genetics. In your teenage years, your dentist in Houston should be able to spot them and keep an eye on them, determining whether they’ll be impacted below your gumline, are growing in sideways, or whether there will be enough room for them in your mouth.

When Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted?

X-ray showing impacted wisodm tooth that needs to be extracted

The most common reason why wisdom teeth need to be removed is for prevention. If there isn’t enough room in your jawbone for them to grow in, it could increase your chances of experiencing crowding and other orthodontic issues down the road. If they’re growing in sideways or impacted below the gumline, it could increase your risk of developing an infection or experiencing jaw damage. By removing your third molars, you can avoid needing additional oral treatment down the road.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Process

Dental team member setting up I V sedation dentistry drip before wisdom tooth extractions

If your wisdom teeth aren’t impacted below the gumline, Dr. Roman can remove them using dental forceps and an elevator. Before we begin the treatment, we’ll make sure that you’re comfortable and will administer IV sedation as necessary. The elevator will help lift the tooth from its socket so it can be grabbed with the forceps. Then, Dr. Roman will gently wiggle the forceps attached to the tooth to break it free from any connective tissues within the socket and remove it from your mouth.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction FAQs

How long does it take to recover from wisdom tooth extraction?

Depending on whether you require a surgical or simple wisdom tooth extraction, it can take anywhere from three days to two weeks to recover. While the actual extraction site will take several months to completely close and heal, for the first two weeks post-op, you’ll need to maintain a soft diet and follow other safety precautions to avoid dislodging the blood clot.

At what age should I get my wisdom teeth removed?

It’s important to note that not everyone requires wisdom tooth extractions, but if you do, it’s best to not put it off, especially if they’re causing you discomfort or pose a threat to your oral health in the future. In addition, patients are often able to make a faster and smoother recovery when the procedure happens while they’re younger.  

Will getting my wisdom teeth removed hurt?

Your dentist will do everything they can to make sure your procedure is as comfortable and pain-free as possible. Before your extraction, your dentist will numb your mouth, and if necessary, provide you with dental sedation to make sure you remain comfortable through the process. While you may experience some bleeding and discomfort after your procedure, know that this is a natural part of healing. If the pain becomes worse instead of getting better, please call our office.  

How should I prepare for my wisdom tooth extraction?

Our office will provide you with instructions to prepare for your treatment. Typically, these include:

  • Arrange for a trusted friend or family member to drop you off and pick you up from your appointment.
  • Purchase soft foods and hydrating liquids to sustain you throughout your healing process.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to your appointment.
  • If you’re receiving IV sedation, please wear a short sleeve shirt, or a shirt that allows you to easily roll up your sleeves.
  • Refrain from smoking or using tobacco products before and after your treatment.

If you have any questions, please contact our team.